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Well...I'm Kirbii Kaelynne. This is my blog for my English class. Feel free to talk to me, there's always room for more friends. :) Kaelynneeee@gmail.com


February 2010
March 2010


You Know, I Really Don't Like Major.
Who Holds Power In My Life?


Also, check out my other blog: thequestofkirbii.blogspot.com


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Monday, February 22, 2010

Who Holds Power In My Life?

For this question, some may say that their mother holds power in their life. Or maybe their father. Maybe a teacher. Myself, I say my best friend hold power in my life. He has inspired me to do a lot of good things in the short time that I've known him. A lot of the reason I'm taking school so much more seriously than say about a year ago is because I want to get better grades so I can get my license so I can see him more. And in the process of that it's made me realize what I really want to do with my life. He also holds power in my life because he leads me to the right decisions. I was going through a really tough time in my life just a little while ago, I'm not going to go in specifics, but I was to the point where I was just done. But there he was, he listened to me, he talked, and really he was the only thing that was keeping me alive. He could always make me happy, no matter how sad or mad I was, all he had to do was say "hello". Man that sounds cheesy, and I feel insane saying--well, typing--it, but it's the truth. He's my shore when I am lost at sea. (That's quoted from the best song in the world, my personal favourite, Tangled Up In You by Staind) I've only known this kid for like a year or two, but if I was being honest I would have to say that he holds the most power in my life and quite frankly, I'm glad. We're in love, not the kind that means I'm just some other crazy teenager, but the kind that means we were meant to be friends. And friends we always will be. And just in case he decides to read this: I love you Jory. :)

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