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Well...I'm Kirbii Kaelynne. This is my blog for my English class. Feel free to talk to me, there's always room for more friends. :) Kaelynneeee@gmail.com


February 2010
March 2010


You Know, I Really Don't Like Major.
Who Holds Power In My Life?


Also, check out my other blog: thequestofkirbii.blogspot.com


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Thursday, March 4, 2010

You Know, I Really Don't Like Major.

In "Animal Farm", the main character guy is Major, and frankly, I don't like him. He's too....Straightforward. I mean, he's just straight up when he's giving his speech. Casually he says "Every one of you will scream for your lives out at the block within a year" (At which point I burst into tears because of the reference to slaughtering poor little critters), and to me it reminds me a lot of my mother who is just blunt about everything and it bothers me...And actually that's kind of hypocritical because I do the same thing, but still. I really don't like it when people are like that. So...Yeah. I don't like Major.